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Food Knolling

Food Safety Laboratory

Food safety is a scientific discipline that encompasses the entire process of growing, harvesting, packing, handling, processing, manufacturing, transporting, preparing, and storing food in ways that prevent economic loss and outbreaks of foodborne illnesses.At NEW AGE Laboratories, we firmly believe that taking preventive measures and ensuring adequate protection is the key to achieving better and safer food. As a result, we are the perfect choice for your analytical laboratory safety services partner.

Why Safety Test With NEWAGE?

GAP certified logo, associated with the paragraph below. represents gap certification

NEWAGE Laboratories provides services that assist growers, processors, and distributors stay ahead of possible food contamination threats while navigating the numerous regulations related to food safety. These regulations can be market-driven, such as GAP or GMP, or established by governmental agencies like FSMA and FSIS.

Food Safety & the NAL Cycle

Ultimately, the goal of food testing is to ensure a safe food supply. Doing so requires testing at multiple stages of food collection, preparation, packaging and storage. 

These services build upon our environmental testing experience by investigating and examining microbiological factors that can affect food quality, longevity, and safety of raw materials, prepared ingredients, and finished products. Environmental monitoring samples are part of the scientific analysis of a safety environment in which the food product or ingredient is being grown, harvested, handled, processed, or prepared and its potential to affect its quality, level of contaminates, freshness, and other key factors at all stages.

For example, safety tests may evaluate how likely a food environment is to cause unwanted bacteria – chiefly pathogens that could cause illnesses – or spoilage in the form of yeast, mold, and lactic acids.

Beyond microbial contaminants, NAL also has extensive experience of trace metal contamination and inorganic nutrient analysis for food ingredients and finished products.


  • APC (Aerobic Plate Counts)

  • EB (Enterobacteriaceae)

  • E.coli/Coliform

  • Listeria spp.

  • Listeria Monocytogenes

  • Salmonella

  • Staphylococcus aureus

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